Sunny’s Accident – “A Consumer Complaint”

 Consumer Complaint, Insurance  Comments Off on Sunny’s Accident – “A Consumer Complaint”
Feb 282005
Sunny’s Accident

I went down on February 23, 2005 on the 580 Freeway in Richmond, CA while escorting a Funeral after being cutoff by a vehicle that merged into my lane (disregarding the Funeral Procession). The driver then slow down to almost a stop.Blessed!  I tried to swerve to avoid running into the back of the car and becoming his/her backseat passenger. I went into a skid with traffic on both sides of me. I laid the bike down. It went to the left and threw me to the right on my back. I tucked my head to my chest, brought my arms into my body and fell backwards. After bouncing on the asphalt a few times, I landed between the 2nd and 1st lane. My head never hit the ground. My helmet was undamaged. The bike sustained minimal damage, as I was only going about 45-50 miles hr. maybe slower, since I was already breaking. I suffered no broken bones, but my pelvic and lower back and kidney took the brunt of the fall. The only laceration I had was a cut on my bottom lip.

I got up, staggered for a few feet and realized that I was still in the middle of the freeway. My adrenaline was pumping and without thinking I bent over and lifted my motorcycle up to a standing position before a gentleman from the funeral procession ran over to assist me. It was not until I had been standing trying to call in the accident to my client and phone for help that I realized I was actually injured. A not so polite, California Highway Patrol Officer arrive and immediately asked me for my driver’s license and insurance. Without any regard for my condition he began to question me.

The paramedics arrived shortly after a good friend came to my aide on the scene. The paramedics immediately started to ask me questions as well, while cutting off the my clothing down to my underwear. Yes, right there on the side of the highway. I was then taken to a nearby Hospital Emergency Room. Now the last thing I was thinking about was collecting my personal items. My helmet and purse were sent with me in the ambulance. My motorcycle and personal belonging were left in the hands of the CHP (motorcycle, gear and uniform). At least that’s what I was told.

After an examination, x-ray and a few doses of Morphine – I was released to go home. The ER doctors and nurses marveled over how I walked away with almost no injuries! They sent me home with a few prescriptions and advised me to consult/follow-up with my personal physician.

The following day, I called in my claim to my insurance company “Foremost Insurance.” To my dismay they had the personality of a blank sheet of paper. My statement was recorded and I was told that I need to provide them with a list of damaged items, along with receipts and descriptions. I informed the claims adjuster that I could not locate some of my clothing and didn’t know the real condition of my motorcycle because I didn’t have the opportunity to examine it before going to the hospital. I had called the various agencies that came to the scene of the accident to find where or what happen to my personal possessions. After numerous phone calls to the hospital, paramedics, Fire Department, and CHP – – I finally gave up on the lost items.

Despite my efforts to locate the lost clothing, and providing a receipt, Foremost Insurance Company denied my claim for my protective gear. Which disproves another old saying, “You get what you pay for!”.

Got Coverage?

 Consumer Complaint, Insurance  Comments Off on Got Coverage?
Feb 232005

Have you reviewed your motorcycle insurance policy lately?

Do you even know what it covers?

Well, there is an old saying…

    “There are two kinds of bikers;
    “Them that’s been down and Them that’s going down!”

If you don’t know what your insurance policy covers – Don’t wait until an accident to find out!  My recent accident left me with more than just a swollen spine and a bruised kidney!

I like to speak from personal experience, so bare with me for a moment, while I fill you in on a few minor details… Click here to read the accident details

Now, if an accident isn’t bad enough – – imagine finding out after the accident that your injuries, safety gear and motorcycle may not be fully covered.  After all, insurance companies don’t make money paying claims. That’s right – -that’s why they assign your claim to a Claims Adjuster.  Before your motorcycle can be repaired you will have to prove it or loose it to get paid.  If you don’t have proof you had it on your motorcycle or was wearing it and have a detailed receipt, you probably won’t get paid if you are insured by Foremost.

If you are not careful – – you might not get what you paid for!

Here’s what I learn . . .

At the Accident Scene:

  • First – Get medical attention
  • Get names and phone numbers of witnesses.
  • If you are too hurt to do it yourself – call/ask someone
  • (family, friend or witness to collect the information for you)
  • Names and numbers of Individuals present (Police, CHP, Fire Department, Tow Company, Witnesses, Bystanders
  • Ask someone to collect your personal belongings from your motorcycle and the scene (damaged or not – don’t leave it for the authorities to collect)
  • If possible, have someone take pictures of you, your motorcycle and clothing at the accident scene

After the Accident Scene:

  • Report the accident to your insurance company as soon as possible (same day if possible, while the facts are fresh)
  • Get a copy of the CHP/Police Report (Accident Report)
  • Make sure the Accident Report reflects both your statement and that of any witnesses
  • Call your witnesses and get a statement from them if you find conflict on the accident report (everyone is going to see things from a different perspective)

Estimate/Repair of Damage to Motorcycle:

  • Take photos of your motorcycle at the tow company before it’s moved
  • Have your motorcycle towed to a reputable certified motorcycle repair shop or dealership
  • Review the damage with the dealership and make absolutely sure all the damage is itemized and listed on the estimate
  • When it’s all said and done – – shop around before you buy motorcycle insurance, find yourself a good Insurance Broker/Agent, or get a yourself a really good attorney.