Bobbie ‘Puddin’ Tyler

 Diva Spotlight, Women Riders  Comments Off on Bobbie ‘Puddin’ Tyler
Sep 302003

In the late 70’s I spent so much time on the back of a 56 panhead I decided to get my license & ride my own, unfortunately I got the beginner’s permit & got single about the same time. I never dropped the ‘licensed motorcycle rider over 21 in site’ from my license-greatly confusing the guys at the DPS,lol! I spent the next 27 years working in chronic care geriatrics, traveling alone & always remembering how it felt to watch the stars chase the moon to with the orchestra of motorcycle pipes singing in the wind…

When I met my husband, the 1st thing he asked was if I liked motorcycles- I told him I could kick-start a 56 panhead & it’s been an incredible journey ever since!

After kicking around on a used 1500 Vulcan, I took the MSF Course & finally thrilled the DPS with a license upgrade & bought the 750 Honda Ace that has opened up a new world for me.

I think women riders have a more special bond with their machines-it’s not just a way to get around, it’s a freedom and a release from all things holding us back in our quest to discover who we really are. On a winding road with a perfect sun kiss, the life blooming out in flowers and crops, I realize how lucky I am to have traveled this journey, and dream of all the adventures left to discover.

Having an amazing husband that encourages me every step of the way just heightens the pleasure!

We have traveled 2 up on his Valkyrie Interstate across 12 states, from the twisties of Arkansas to the bright lights of Vegas-to the silent majestic of Mt. Zion, the sheer immense of Lake Powell in Utah, rode in perfect days, relentless rain, blowing dirt & got lost in a dark night where the stars shined like diamonds on black velvet.

Now that I am riding my own, I love sharing the joy of being a Diva on wheels with everyone I meet-besides it’s just a blast ‘doing the wave’!

Every woman should experience this kind of freedom-now if they could just find a cure for ‘Helmet Hair’!

Enjoy the ride-& share the word with everyone you meet. We truly have become . . .

‘I am Woman – Hear me Roar!